Classroom Information

Planner – Each student is responsible for writing their own homework in their daily planner and to have it signed by a parent or guardian.  If you have any questions or concerns, please write a note in the planner or contact me at the school.  You can also e-mail me at

Homework Assignments- Homework will be assigned daily with the exception of holidays and some weekends.  Please go over the work with your child and sign the planner when the work is completed.

Tests – Tests will be announced 3 to 5 days prior to the test.  Tests will be sent home in a Test Folder every Thursday so that each test can be signed and returned.  I will keep all tests on file until the end of the school year.  In the test folder, there will be a content sheet (located in the front of the test folder)which will list the number of tests that should be in the test folder.

Quizzes- Most quizzes will be announced.

Progress Reports – Progress Reports are sent home every month for each student with the exception of the month that a report card is sent home. 

Grading – Tests 50%, Homework 25%, and Class Work and Quizzes 25%

Discipline – I will notify you of any problems by phone or I will write any concerns in your child’s planner. 

Rewards - At the end of every month, we celebrate with a homework party.  If your child does not miss 3 or more homework assignments, they will be invited to attend the party.  If he/she misses 3 or more assignments, they attend the work room during the party to make up their assignments.

Absences – Please send a note the day after your child is absent.  If you want the work sent, please call the school and let me know who to send the work with.


Thank you very much for you time and cooperation.  I look forward to working with you throughout this school year!

Educationally yours,

Miss Zoeller